Since 2007, we have helped parents to become the best advocates for themselves and their children; While promoting opportunities for parents to learn, have fun and contribute to the community together, educating and empowering each other in ways that are not limited by socio-economic or cultural factors.
Our Mission
The Answer Inc., a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, is dedicated to providing support, resources, education, recreation, and advocacy for families in the greater Chicago area that are challenged with supporting family members with Autism & Developmental Disorders. In addition to providing essential resources & services for parents and caregivers, our agency strives to help contribute to the continued growth, educational and recreational inclusion for the children and relatives specifically impacted.
Our mission is to provide and increase Autism awareness for our family member’s caregivers, law enforcement, and the community as a whole. We provide supportive services that will build and create a more productive and effective communication skills among the above groups listed, creating a healthier and safer environment for families who live with Autism.
What We've Achieved
Developed an Autism Resource Room at the Broadview Library
Partnered with Broadview Park District Accessible Playground
Created Autism & Special Needs Walkathon in Proviso Township
Created legislation regarding PUNS. SB 226 was signed into Law July 27, 2015
Implemented Tutoring, Nutrition, Exercise & Dance programs for Underserved Communities.
Hosted the 1st Special Needs Conference in Proviso Township
Sponsored children and adults to Horseback Riding Camp for an entire week.
Our most noteworthy achievement has come from our Spectrum University program, which has had some amazing outcomes. Half of the participants did not have number or letter recognition. They can now recognize numbers and letters and some can even free hand write their names.