Trainings for First Responders
The Answer Inc. provides first responders informational seminars to prevent tragic misunderstandings of individuals with autism & developmental disabilities for police & fire departments. Roughly half, or 49%, of children with an ASD attempt to elope from a safe environment. Our training is helpful for search efforts since many with autism are nonverbal flight risks and accidental drowning accounted for 91% total U.S. deaths reported in children with an ASD ages 14 and younger subsequent to wandering/elopement.
Trainings for Municipal Staff
We assist municipal staff in developing a repertoire of techniques used to identify, rescue, triage, and treat victims of an emergency situation, especially those who may be impacted from Autism Spectrum Disorders. Knowledge of this disorder is important to an emergency responder so that they can more effectively respond to victims who have a special need or empathize towards caregivers emotions and reactions.
Anti-Bullying Workshops and Seminars
The Answer Inc. has conducted awareness seminars for bully prevention in schools and cooperatively appeared in a video funded through the Illinois Violence Prevention Authority. Students with disabilities are much more likely to be bullied than their non-disabled peers. STOPP is an acronym for Students Together Opposing Peer Pressure, which is a bullying prevention program facilitated for the urban community.
STOPP: Bullying is...Not the Answer is a local Prevention Program to help with the reduction and intervention of bullying problems in our neighborhoods, schools and communities. It is designed for high school students who have been directly affected by bullyism.