Powerful Parents of Autism
“Powerful Parents of Autism” is our Co-Ed Monthly Support group. During the first hour, a volunteer presents on a specific autism or special needs topic, also providing updated resources and available services. The second hour is used to share experiences and provide support to one another. Professional childcare available and refreshments served the fourth Monday of each month.
Our “Just For Men” support group caters to the needs of the fathers dealing with individuals with autism or other mental impairments. Researchers found that fathers of adolescents and young adults with autism experience high levels of depression and are pessimistic about what the future holds for their child. Men are more socialized to just soldier on & the resultant emotional isolation can easily foster depression. This group is male facilitated to allow a safe place to open up and connect with other men in the same situation. Which reinforces the sanctity of fatherhood as role models for other fathers in our community. Free respite care for children is provided at meetings the second Saturday of every month.
ALWAYS THERE --- 708-296-5651
“Always There” is a 24 hour phone support line that will provide counseling services, referrals to collaborating partners or just an understanding ear to listen to you.
IEP SUPPORT --- Individualized Educational Plan
The Answer Inc. will act as your resource to make sure your child’s educational needs are being met. To pursue special education service assistance through school-based programs, your local school system will first need to evaluate your child. Based on this assessment, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be created. An IEP outlines the educational goals for your child for the school year. Additionally, it describes the special services or aids the school will provide your child in order to meet those goals and to place kids in the least restrictive environment possible where they are still able to learn. As the parent of an autistic child, you have a legal right to be involved in developing your child’s IEP from start to finish, disagree with the school system’s recommendations and invite anyone you want to be on the IEP team. The Answer Inc. will be your advocate to provide counsel on your IEP team to make sure your child’s needs are being met.