2021 Walkathon-Finish Strong

In the video message below, The Answer Inc’s Program Coordinator and IEP Specialist - Dana Bryant - sits to remind everyone that our 13th Annual Autism & Special Needs Virtual Walkathon is days away. She took the opportunity to thank and encourage all of the wonderful individuals who have started teams or fundraisers, expressing gratitude for every penny raised, as help is needed now, more than ever.

With her message being to “Finish Strong” Dana also shared a few nuggets of advise and promised some free samples/templates to help you do just that. ( click here see Finishing Strong Blueprint from Team Jabril’s Journey )

Overall, Dana wants everyone to remember that most donors make their donation decisions closer to the date of the event, and that it is imperative to continue your efforts down the stretch, in order to give all of your supporters and opportunity to Open Their Hearts To Autism.

buzz McBride

Media-Ographer & Community-Builder


Our 2021 Autism & Special Needs Walkathon is This Saturday...


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